F5J – HELP needed…

F5J – HELP needed…

( Source reference for the 3 smileys: https://www.flaticon.com/de )

Dear pilots and organizers, please help me to improve the CONTEST Eurotour.

Please tell me about your experiences of the season 2024 and your wishes for the season 2025.

I mean “every” subject area belonging to the F5J CONTEST Eurotour competitions.

What I can or should do differently/better for next year or how I can help to make the things better for next year. In this sense, I also see myself as a mediator of wishes between pilots and organizers.

Improvements can only be made if what is not liked is said… and good things can only be retained if you know what was liked.

And as a result, I see it as my duty to adapt the framework conditions for CONTEST Eurotour competition so that pilots and organizers alike can be satisfied with them and everyone knows what to expect from a CONTEST Eurotour competition, regardless of the country and how many pilots are participating…

With this in mind, please write to me by email at tm.f5j@contest-modellsport.de everything you liked or didn’t like.

If you think something was bad at individual competitions, then that is just as interesting as if you liked something particularly well.

Topics could be the following:

Experiences with individual competitions:
– Terrain conditions
– Conditions for parking, camping, etc.
– Airfield conditions, safety areas, access corridor etc.
– Local rules – possibly too great deviations from the official rules or too strong restrictions with regard to any no-fly zones
– Competition execution (fair, unfair, inadequate or successful)
– Start matrix, number of participants, group size, number of preliminary rounds flown (sufficient, too few, too many) and fly-offs
– Time planning (start too early or too late in the morning, too many or too few breaks, end of flight too early or late, end of competition too late because of the journey home or too early because you would have liked to have flown one more round)
– Deviation from announcements to the actual execution of the competition
– Timekeeper
– Competition management
– Organizer
– Evaluation and publication of results during the competition
– Catering
– Or whatever else you remember as particularly positive or negative.

About the CONTEST Eurotour itself:
– CONTEST homepage
– CONTEST Facebook site
– How do you actually feel about the new ranking-related scoring system – wishes for modification ?

I will treat all feedback confidentially and try to help to avoid any problems in the future.
This means that I will discuss the problems described with organizers, for example, but without mentioning names, so that it is only about factual questions if there were any problems.

I would love to hear from you.

F5J CONTEST Eurotour Tour Manager

Andreas Freundl

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