What is F5J?

In the F5J competition class, the aim is to fly a remote-controlled glider with an electric motor for 10 minutes from as low a take-off altitude as possible and then…
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CONTEST’s position in Ukraine conflict

What we are currently witnessing in Ukraine affects us deeply. Our sympathy goes out to all aeromodelling athletes who have been affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine. The political leadership…
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F3L & F3G – New Classes at CONTEST Eurotour

CONTEST starts the 2022 season with many innovations. This year we welcome two new classes to the CONTEST series.The new FAI class F3L, formerly F3-RES, has been added to the…
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New Contest Application platform

A new contest application platform is now available for the publication and registration of competitions. Here, organisers can set up their own accounts and enter their competitions. Participants, in turn,…
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CONTEST launches new website

The new year brings new changes. In order to be well positioned for the coming season, CONTEST has now launched a new website. On the new pages, which will be…
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CONTEST at the Faszination Modellbau

From 5-7 November the leading trade fair for aeromodelling „Faszination Modellbau“ will take place in Friedrichshafen. You have the opportunity to talk to us. Pay us a visit at the…
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MFSD takes over CONTEST

As of 1 January 2022, the German Aeromodelling Association „MFSD“ will take over the CONTEST Eurotours, the platform for organising international competitions. The association will thus be the contact and…
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